Higher Ed Geek

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What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 03/28/14

Howdy! Here is what I'm getting geeky about this week!

I was recommended this excellent podcast by a friend of mine and I listened to a few episodes while on my recent ride down to Delaware from NJ. I tend to download a bulk of episodes when I know I have a long drive alone ahead of me so I figured I'd finally check out School of Greatness. It's a fun, engaging interview format show with notable thought leaders in the realms of motivation, innovation, social entrepreneurship, and start-ups. Much like the Smart People Podcast that I have mentioned on here before, it is a great way to spend some time listening to thoughtful content that has powerful takeaways for your life, work, and everything in between.

Now I just generally geek out about Spidey but I picked up some new comics the other day with my favorite webslinger which helped foster my love for the character. I'm also getting more and more excited for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 coming out soon. I can never get enough of this guy! Read here for more details on what I've learned from Marvel resident young, geeky superhero.

Probably mu other biggest geekdom besides Spider-Man is Star Wars. I've been binging on the new Clone Wars series that recently became "streamable" (which I'm making a word) on Netflix. I'm almost caught up on the episodes that aired on television and am more intrigued to tackle the "Lost Missions" that never made it to air due to the whole Disney buying Lucasfilm business. Having Arrow, Agents of SHIELD, and Clone Wars as weekly doses of DC, Marvel, and Star Wars respectively has been awesome lately, even though SHIELD has been frustratingly spotty with their episodes. That's another topic for another time though.

Have an awesome weekend everyone! Go geek out with pride!