Higher Ed Geek

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Weekly Geek Outs - 09/30/16


Here's what is going on in my world this week:

  • UnREAL

I have just watched two episodes of this Lifetime show, but I am highly intrigued. It follows a producer on a Bachelor type reality show as she works to balance her conscience with the pressure to create drama between all the women on the show. It is really good so far, and it has gotten really great buzz, so I'm looking forward to see how it holds up.

  • Agents of SHIELD

The fourth season of this show premiered recently and I just caught up on the few episodes featuring the introduction of Ghost Rider in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has really stole the show and I'm intrigued where bringing a character like him in allows the show to go. Demons, ghosts, the supernatural! We're going to get more of the magical side with Doctor Strange coming out soon, so in different ways and scope, we're getting all the different facets of the Marvel comics playground. It's really exciting! Plus, we have Luke Cage coming to Netflix! So much good stuff out there.

  • New Jersey

I went back last weekend (hence the lack of a geek out) for my engagement photos, and it reminded me once again how much I miss the people and places of New Jersey. I keep appreciating the state more and more. It also doesn't hurt that my partner was born and raised there and that she helps foster my love of NJ. It's a weird, magical place that I look forward to continuing to spend more time in.

Thanks for stopping by!