Higher Ed Geek

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Geeky Office Décor Series: Michael Chavez

This week we're featuring the awesome office of Michael Chavez, On-Campus Recruitment Coordinator at the University of Kansas.

Here's what Michael had to say about his space:

"My love for Batman (and movies in general) has always been a part of who I am. I'll never forget the day I settled into my current office because I knew that I could deck it out in all the ways I always wanted.

I meet with a lot of students, almost every day. Each time a family or student comes in to my office, they always look to the poster of the Dark Knight or the Legos. That's an instant conversation starter and we could talk for a good 5-10 minutes just on those two things in my office. I always somehow work in a Marvel/DC movie reference into conversations with students and families and it always seems to break the ice quite a bit. It's memorable for them. I think it's also fascinating to see that their reactions when they see how much of a geek I am in regards to Batman."

What I really like about Michael's office is the big impact even just a small item can have. Something as small as a Lego figurine that someone notices and connects with creates a bond of shared interests that allows for a positive interaction to be had. I also love the Ghostbusters stuff and the Back to the Future Delorean Legos in Michael's office (I think I might have to get some of those toys for myself!). Hopefully this post inspires folks to put even a small bit of themselves into their offices so they can help bridge gaps with their students and colleagues.

Many thanks to Michael for sharing his space with us.

Stay tuned for more awesome offices in the coming weeks!

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