Higher Ed Geek

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Movie Review Monday: Groundhog Day

Welcome to another awesome edition of Movie Review Monday!

This week's movie is the 1993 classic, Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and written and directed by the late, great Harold Ramis.

I had seen and heard a lot about this movie over the years but I have never sat down and watched the movie in its entirety. I'm glad I could enjoy it finally, as it is a simple movie with a simple message that I think we can all appreciate.

The premise is simple its implementation. We don't get any reason why but nevertheless, Bill Murray's character, Phil, is forced to relive the same day over and over again, which creates a cavalcade of humorous scenarios that he plays out since he'll just wake up with no ramifications. The movie hinges on Murray, and he masterfully carries the film. The premise of reliving the same day over and over again also acknowledges the dark side of this, as Phil continually tries to kill himself to end the perpetual nightmare.

The movie succeeds near the end as Phil begins to do the most good he can for others in a single day. Only when he maximizes the experience for others rather than himself, does the cycle end. Phil begins the movie as a disillusioned, egotistical, and rude character, but ends it as someone who is changed for the better. The moral of the whole story being to encourage us as the viewer to live each day to the fullest and do good for others.

While the premise has become common fodder for storytelling nowadays, this film popularized the concept and is constantly referred to as a benchmark. It earns its place as a classic comedy that will surely stand the test of time.

You can check out Groundhog Day streaming right now on Netflix.

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