Higher Ed Geek

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Movie Review Monday: In Bruges


Welcome to another edition of Movie Review Monday!

This week's movie, 2008's In Bruges, comes courtesy of Netflix. I've had this movie recommended and have known of it since its release but never really given it much consideration. I unfortunately had the right idea, since this wasn't really my kind of movie. I think it is a good movie so I want to highlight it here but this isn't going to be a glowing recommendation from me.

In Bruges stars Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson as two hitmen who have to go into hiding in Bruges, Belgium after a bad job. Their boss, played by Ralph Fiennes, is an eccentric maniac who eventually comes looking for them to clean up after their mess.

The movie's plot is basically a dark action comedy, but it is pretty light on the action and the comedy is very dry, so know that going in. I know some people love dry comedy and I can appreciate it myself but this movie's comedy is pretty low-key and subtle as well as being sort of just out of my usual sensibilities. Much of the story is character based, since we're essentially just hanging out with Farrell and Gleeson's characters as they waste time in Bruges. Farrell is sorrowful and slightly unhinged, and Gleeson is a stoic man looking to do the right thing.

I just couldn't get into this movie. It is an original movie that is quirky enough and has an interesting setup but I found myself left just sort of scratching my head at the end. It all didn't seem to have much of a point besides being a sort of feature-length movie that talked a lot about how pretty Bruges is.

I'll leave this one up to you all. Check it out and let me know what you think either way. I'd be very curious to see what you make of it.

You can check out In Bruges, streaming now on Netflix!

Thanks for stopping by!