Higher Ed Geek

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What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 03/21/14

Hey everybody! Back to my usual rhythm this week so here's my week in geek!

This is a neat company I just sort of stumbled across recently that provides reasonably priced, all-natural, and social conscious shaving products. You can get a "starter kit" of sorts with a razor, two spare razor heads, and some shaving cream and then set up a revolving cycle of new razor heads to come right to your door based on your shaving habits. They also just opened a cool shop in NYC where you can get a haircut and shave and they'll also keep a database of how you like to get your haircut! It feels like a hip new way for men to keep well-groomed. I'm just wondering if they'll do a female equivalent some day. Perhaps they'll call it Sally's?

I got turned on to this app/website from a coworker at my internship and it is super awesome! It's a simple concept; it is essentially just a consistent, ubiquitous place to save links you find online. I just like it since it can be easily translatable across devices and showcases your links in a fun way rather than just being a mishmash list of URLs. It's free so check it out today if you need to get your mass of bookmarks and such organized.

This one is fairly self explanatory but the week of events is finally upon us. We've been planning for months and I'm very proud of how this year turned out. We have movie nights, trivia, panels, and our annual costume dance party. I am also proud to have simply been a part of it. I was able to gush about the unique effort during my recent interviews and share all the great things this initiative has been able to accomplish in its three years of existence. I look forward to hearing of Rutgers Geek Week's exploits for years to come!

Thanks for stopping by! Have an amazing weekend!